Living in a manner consistent with the salvation we have in Christ
We, as a local body of followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, do covenant together to make disciples of all nations and to promote one another to good works and mature faith in Christ.
To this end, we promise to God and each other that we will:
Live in a manner consistent with the salvation we have in Christ (Matthew 5:16; Colossians 3:5-17; Philippians 1:27)
The statistics and news of Christianity in America is bleak by many accounts. Churches are dying all the time. People are ‘deconstructing’ their faith and those we once looked up to in the faith are no longer professing Christ as Savior. The word ‘evangelical’ is considered a negative label by the mainstream media and most of our neighbors. In spite of this reality, I am encouraged, as it seems that cultural Christianity is also dying in the US.
The true Church is being identified and seen in a fresh way because following Christ changes how you think, but also how you live!
To live in a manner consistent with the salvation we have in Christ means that when we confess Jesus as Savior, He is also the Lord of our lives. A true follower of Jesus cannot look to Him for salvation and then return to their regularly scheduled lives with no evidence or hint of change. A life consistent with the salvation we have in Christ disrupts everything. He is Lord and He has full right and authority to give us our marching orders on how to live. The true follower of Christ views this as a great relief and joy, not as a burden. His Lordship brings freedom, not a heavy burden. During His sermon on the mount, Jesus taught that His people will live in such a way that those who see our lives and how we live will give glory to God in heaven (Matthew 5:16).
We can only do this as our lives model day to day what our mouths confess to be true in Christ!
Our covenant gives Colossians 3:5-17 as a reference for this commitment that we make. Although it is not comprehensive in all ways, it is clear that those who have salvation in Christ will have areas of life that need ‘put to death’ (Col 3:5ff) and areas we need to ‘put on’ (Col 3:12ff). This is why we need each other so much! It is through the regular gathering together in our weekly worship gathering, community groups, prayer times, and just meeting around coffee, dinner, or any other event that matters so much. Every follower of Christ needs one another to watch over our lives and help us to rightly ‘put to death’ and ‘put on’ so that we live in a manner consistent with our salvation. So, as the new year approaches, do you need to really make a fresh commitment to be consistently living in a way that will be seen by others so that you remain faithful? Is there an area of sin you need to confess and repent that the Bible clearly tells us is sinful and not consistent with salvation in Christ?
Finally, my prayer is that you fulfill this part of our covenant by living in such a way that your life grows in ever increasing measure to display the hope we have in Christ.
This commitment is not intended to be legalistic or a moral to do list, rather it is a focus so that we can be clear to the world: Our salvation, hope, joy, and peace is in Christ and Christ alone! Does your life consistently display this as you live, work, play, and worship? How this question is answered helps us evaluate how faithful we are in this line of our covenant. So, lean in and set your aim on Christ in all that you do! Read His Word and pray the Spirit will continue to sanctify you. Confess sin and repent and walk in growing holiness before God. Sharpen one another in your lives and be teachable in all you do!
It is here that we have the foundation to be a people that will live our lives in a manner that is consistent with our salvation in Christ!
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